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Hello everyone,
This month my accent was again on the Spanish and Scotch.

Download PGN of March '11 1 e4 e5 games

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Marshall Gambit [C89]

In Anand, V - Aronian, L 73rd Tata Steel GMA 2011, Aronian has just played 23...h5 following his game against Bacrot in Nalchik 2009:

Here Vishy introduced a novelty, 24.Rec1, but Aronian held the position without any discernible problems and so the ball is still in White's court.

Breyer [C95]

Petrosian,TL-Khairullin,I Aeroflot Open 2011.

In the position give above White introduced the interesting novelty 19.c4, seized the initiative and later won in good style. A fine game from the Armenian player, and White's novelty deserves attention, but it seems that Black should be able to equalize by means of 20...cxb3!

Closed Ruy Lopez with d3 [C84]

Gashimov, V - Najer, E Bundesliga 2010-11.

Here Black played 10...Nb6, which turned out to be a novelty, and obtained a reasonable position from the opening. Basically the only reason for Black's later loss was 31...Nd4?, and so I expect to see more practical tests of the 8...Nd7 line.

Exchange Variation [C69]

Caruana, F - Ivanchuk, V Gibraltar 2011, saw one of the most surprising novelties at such an early part of the game.

In this diagram position Ivanchuk introduced 7...Qe7 and quickly took the initiative into his hands, and fully outplayed his young opponent. The novelty is very interesting and will surely see more practical tests in the near future.

Berlin Defence [C67]

Ganguly, S - McShane, L 73rd Tata Steel GM-B 2011.

In the rare line with 9...Bd7 McShane prepared a new idea here, 13...b6. Although White's position looks good, in reality Black is just fine. Black's opening setup despite being rare is very poisonous.

Scotch 4...Bc5 [C45]

In Kotronias, V - Kamsky, G Aeroflot Open 2011, Black chose an uncommon plan with ...Ne7 and ...f5 and solved his opening problems effortlessly:

A convincing victory from Kamsky, who completely outplayed his experienced opponent. The opening idea looks good for Black and will soon be tested in some upcoming tournaments no doubt.

Scotch 4...Nf6 [C45]

Macieja, B - Grandelius, N Rilton Cup 2010-11.

In this well-known position Black decided to surprise his opponent with Ivanchuk's extremely rare move 10...g5. Already White's first reaction was wrong, and Black exploited his development advantage and finished the game off in style. A brilliant win from the young Swedish player. Ivanchuk's novelty looks very interesting and certainly deserves further practical tests.

Italian Game [C53]

Macieja, B - Fressinet, L Bundesliga 2010-11.

In the diagram position Black played 10...Qd7, instead of the 10...Qd8 which used to be more popular. After some forced play Black already emerged with a slight advantage by move 16. An interesting game despite the mutual inaccuracies in the middlegame. The opening line looks good for Black and so White needs to find a good idea to prove the opposite.


See you next month, Victor.

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