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Puzzle Paradise

Group 11 "Quick quartet: all four head out the door"

P11.1.1 P11.8.1

Reader's Challenge P11.1.1

Sepp,O - Nenashev,A [C47] Novgorod Open, 1995.

Suppose that White plays 13 Ba3 in reply to 12...Nb4. Is it then necessary for Black to protect his knight?
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Reader's Challenge P11.8.1

Just imagine giving White a "free" knight on e2, and keeping everything else unchanged. Then, instead of Black now playing 12...Rh5 as in the actual game, can you find an even stronger move?
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Solution to P11.1.1

Sepp,O - Nenashev,A Novgorod Open, 1995.

Black is not forced to protect his knight, since 13...Nxd3 is at least playable in view of 14 Bxf8? Nf4 15 d5 (15 f3? Kxf8) 15...Qf6 (15...Qg6 16 Qf3 leads to messy variations) 16 Bc5 Bh3!! and then: a) 17 gxh3?? loses instantly to 17...Qg5+ 18 Kh1 Qg2# or 18 Qg4 Nxh3+; b) 17 Bd4? Qg5 18 g3 Qxd5 is also hopeless for White; c) 17 g3 Bxf1 18 Kxf1 Nxd5 nets Black a precious pawn, and more in the case of 19 Qxd5?? Qxa1+.
P11.1.1 P11.8.1

Solution to P11.8.1

Black could win instantly and beautifully with 12...Qxf3+!! 13 gxf3 Bh3#.

P11.1.1 P11.8.1