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The latest rising Chinese star Ding Liren is the hero of this month while some other interesting games in various Slav systems are also worth checking.

Download PGN of July '12 1 d4 d5 games

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Slav Defence early ...d5xc4 ideas [D11]

Naumkin - Khenkin: Igor Khenkin increased his collection of scalps in his pet variation

but yet again his position was rather shaky at some point...

Chebanenko System 5.Bg5 [D15]

Aronian - McShane: A rather strange game - Levon Aronian chose a line in which White can only get a headache if Black responds boldly. And that is exactly what happened!

Main Slav 5...Bf5, 9.Nxf7 [D17]

Brynell - Hector: A very rare and fairly unexpected idea, 9.Nxf7, brought White a quick success here:

Black still looks fine but he should know what to do more precisely...

7.f3 Bb4 8.Nxc4 [D17]

Ding - Paragua: Ding Liren was successful with a rare but poisonous approach here. In fact it is not so clear how Black can equalise at the moment...

The Noteboom 7.Bd2 a5 8.Rb1 [D31]

Grandelius - Tikkanen: Hans Tikkanen managed to surprise his opponent in a rare line, 8...Qb6!?:

and gained acceptable, perhaps even better play. The position was rather messy and it was impossible to play the most promising moves - Black tried hard to make things complicated but in the end he was happy to get half a point.

The Marshall Gambit 8.Be2 Na6 9.Ba5 Bd7 [D31]

Nakamura - Shulman: Yuri Shulman has successfully solved the problems in a rather important line but it seems that White's choice wasn't the most challenging...

The Moscow Variation 9.Be2, 11...h5 [D43]

Ding - Battulga: A novelty on move 17, 17.h3!? secured White's advantage:

though he eventually spoiled it with a few inaccurate moves.

The Moscow Variation early 9.Ne5!?, 10.Qf3!? [D43]

Ding - Negi: Ding Liren came up with a rare idea and scored a full point but Black could certainly improve his play...

Till next month, Ruslan

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