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Hello everyone! I'm excited to make my debut for
Between the Candidates in Kazan and the Kings in Bazna, it's clear that the world elite's faith in the Queen's Gambit Declined has reached an all-time high. The coverage this month is dedicated entirely to this venerable and resurgent opening.

Download PGN of June '11 1 d4 d5 games

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QGD Exchange Variation 3...Be7 [D31]

Carlsen - Nakamura: In an effort to solve Black's bishop problems in the trendy 6.Qc2 line, Nakamura embarks on a time-consuming exchange with 6...Bg4:

Carlsen castled queenside and scored with a decisive pawn avalanche.

QGD 5.Bf4 0-0 6.e3 Nbd7 [D37]

The next several games deal with the consequences of the 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Be7 move order. This was the main battleground in the Candidates, as nobody seemed willing to allow a Nimzo-Indian with 3.Nc3. Great for us! Further debate over the merits of White's various move orders can be found in the 1 d4 d5 Forum.

Grischuk - Gelfand: The space-gaining 7.c5 is standard, but does it bring White any advantage? The "Kazan treatment" with 7...Nh5:

suggests not.

Wojtaszek - Berkes: Poland's number one lands a quick knockout in the drawish variation 7.a3 c5 8.cxd5 Nxd5 9.Nxd5 exd5 10.dxc5 Nxc5:

Black failed to appreciate the subtleties on move 16.

QGD 5.Bf4 0-0 6.Rc1 [D37]

Grischuk - Gelfand In the all-important Candidates final, Grischuk tests a sideline with 6.Rc1:

The consequences of another early deviation, 5.Qc2, are also examined.

QGD Ragozin System [D38]

Moiseenko - Ponomariov: A long theoretical line leads to mind-bending complications after 19.Rb5:

Even engines are confused!

Carlsen - Ivanchuk: When Carlsen puts a twist on a sleepy IQP position with 11.Rc1!?:

The desired effect was achieved, as Ivanchuk was denied some active options and relegated to a long and fruitless defense.

Lasker Defence [D56]

Radjabov - Kramnik: Radjabov tries a rare recapture in the Lasker Defense, 13.Rxc4:

but gets nowhere against Kramnik's accurate play. Analysis indicates that the Azeri could have kept a small edge.

Until next month, John

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