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Hi everyone,
I am Mihaela Sandu WGM and this month I'm substituting for David as he expected to be really busy and so wouldn't be able to find time for his King's Indian update. In particular I have looked at the Four Pawns Attack, which has been a bit neglected here just recently.

Download PGN of June '15 KID games

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Fianchetto Panno Variation 8.Bf4 Bd7 [E63]

Firstly, I decided to include my recent game with Black against Batsiashvili at the European Championship, Chavki, where, after the fashionable 8. Bf4 I chose the setup with 8...Bd7 and in reply to the further 9. Rc1 I played 9...Re8, which is quite rare:

Black's idea is to play the thematic ...e5, of course, see Batsiashvili - Sandu.

Fianchetto Panno Variation 8.b3 [E63]

In the second game, Bachmann - Perez Ponsa, White demonstrated some problems for Black in the 8. b3 line:

when after 9. Nd5 e6 White's queenside attack seemed to develop quicker than Black's kingside one.

Four Pawns Attack ...c5, 8.dxe6 fxe6 9.Bd3 [E76]

In Turov - Hillarp Persson I have examined a less common move played by Tiger, when after 8. dxe6 fxe6 9. Bd3 he tried 9...Nh5!?, hitting f4:

he got an interesting position, and actually went on to win quickly with Black against Turov.

Four Pawns Attack 6...Na6 7.Bd3 e5 [E76]

The fourth and fifth games are about Black's options after 6...Na6 7. Bd3 e5 8. fxe5 dxe5 9. d5:

In Gomez - Kulkarni Black played the most popular move 9...c6, followed by 10...cxd5 and 11...Bd7 and achieved a playable position.

While Swapnil - Kovalev saw another plan, featuring ...c5 and ...Ne8-d6 with a nice blockading knight.

Classical 6...Bg4!? [E91]

In the sixth game, Lenderman - Matamoros Black avoided the main classical lines with 6...Bg4!?:

and after 7. Be3 Nfd7 8. Rc1 e5 9. d5 a5 10. h3 White got a slight advantage (the bishop pair), but the position is quite tricky and Black won quickly.

Classical - 7...Nc6 Kortchnoi's 9.a4 [E97]

And finally, a very recent game from the National French Team (Top 12) saw Wojtaszek employing Kortchnoi's plan (9. a4) versus Maze:

White later played f4, exchanged dark-squared bishops and won in a very convincing style, see Wojtaszek - Maze.

David will be back soon, Mihaela

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Don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions with me. Any queries or comments to the KID Forum, or to me directly at (subscribers only) would be most welcome.