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So far this month the KID was not so popular but there are still some interesting games. Maybe the Candidates will give us some good games later.

Download PGN of June ’22 KID games

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Classical Variation, Makagonov System 6...e5 7.d5 a5 8.Bd3 [E90]

In Ivanicevic, I.- Nenezic, M there was a Makagonov system and after only 8 moves White opted for a rare line with 8.Bd3:

Black developed normally but with 13... g5 he exposed f5 and White could have brought his knight there. He did it later, but after he had given a pawn and Black was fine. Later he made a mistake with 22... Bf5 and got a very bad position after which White won.

Classical Variation, Makagonov System 6...e5 7.d5 Nh5 8.g3 f5 [E90]

The next game, between Macieja, B. - Marek, M. was again in the Makagonov system where Black opted for the line with 7...Nh5:

Soon White decided to try the new move 11 c5 after which Black simply developed and got a nice game. Later White went for a faulty plan and Black was much better, but he missed his advantage and after a lot of twists and turns in the end White managed to win.

Classical Variation, Gligoric System 7.d5 Na6 8.Be3 Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10.Bh4 [E92]

Fedoseev, V. - Muradli, M featured the Gligoric system where Black went for the 10....h5 line:

White tried a new plan with an early 12 Nf1 and delaying castling. Much later he played 20.0-0-0 and tried to use the open h-file. He was better but later Black found some counterplay and managed to get a nice position. There were more twists but in the end it was a fighting draw.

Classical - Gligoric System 6...Nbd7 7.0-0 e5 8.Bg5 [E94]

Jovanovic, D. - Maksimovic, B was in the old Classical system and White tried a rare line with 8 Bg5:

Black reacted well and got a good game. Later White played a bit passively and allowed ...h4 and ...g4 after which Black gained the initiative. After that Black had a strong attack and managed to win.

Classical Variation 7...Bg4 8.d5 a5 9.Be3 Na6 [E94]

Mendonka, L. - Kotonias, V was in the Classical system with 7....Bg4. The players were following one of the main lines until White played a new move, 13 Qc2:

In reply Black found a good plan to exchange a few pieces and the game was equal. Later White got an edge and was clearly winning, then made a mistake and it was equal again. In the end White still managed to win.

The Bayonet Attack 9...Nh5 10.g3 f5 11.Ng5 Nf6, Kramnik's 12.Bf3 [E97]

The next game between Nenezic, M. Brenjo, S was in the old system in the Bayonet Attack. In the Kramnik line with 12 Bf3 Black took 12...fxe4 and White tried the rare move 13 Ngxe4 after which Black don’t have problems.

The game was balanced and equal right until the last move when Black played a shocking blunder and White won.

Classical, Bayonet Attack 9...a5 10.bxa5 Rxa5 11.a4 Ne8 [E97]

Sorokin, A. - Kavutskiy, K was also in the Bayonet Attack, but with 9...a5:

White played the rare move 12 Be3 and Black got a fine game. Later the game was pretty balanced and in the end it was a draw.

Classical Variation 9.Nd2 a5 10.a3 Nd7 11.Rb1 f5 [E97]

The final game, Tin, J. - Setyaki. A, was in the Classical system with 9 Nd2 and followed a long variation. Black transposed to the line with ….c6 and then White played a new move 15.c5:

It was not so good but Black didn’t find the best reply and after 17 b5 White gained an edge. Black managed to withstand the pressure for a while but later made a mistake and lost the game.

Till next month, Marian

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