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We have many unusual ideas this month, plus a contribution from subscriber WGM Sandu, and all of the games are decisive.

Download PGN of November '13 KID games

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Fianchetto System Panno 9.e4 b5 10.d5 [E63]

The Polish Grandmaster Gajewski is well known as original and creative. After 6.0-0 Nc6 7.Nc3 Rb8 8.h3 a6 9.e4 b5 we reach the diagram position:

the main lines are 10.e5 and 10.cxb5, but in Gajewski - Jones White plays 10.d5!? which is very unusual.

Fianchetto Yugoslav Mainline [E66]

Bailet - Avrukh shows an old line of the Yugoslav Variation, arising from a Panno move order 6...Nc6 7.Nc3 Rb8 8.d5 Na5 9.Nd2 c5 10.Qc2 a6 11.b3 b5 12.Bb2 bxc4 13.bxc4 Bh6 14.f4 e5 15.dxe6 Bxe6 16.Nd5 Rxb2 17.Qxb2 Bg7:

This used to be considered += in many lines but the top white players clearly do not trust it as it's seen rarely these days - it is no surprise that many players avoid 8.d5 and prefer to deal with the Panno. Meanwhile, if Black plays the 6...c5 move order instead he has to contend with 7.dxc5.

Makagonov System - Romanian Variation 5.h3 0-0 6.Bg5 [E71]

Svidler - Nakamura is a crazy game in a sideline of a sideline. After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.h3 0-0 6.Bg5 Na6 the move 7.f4!? makes a strange impression:

So of course Black plays 7...Nh5!? which is also strange, but looks logical. 7...Qe8 has been seen as well.

Sämisch Gambit 6...c5 7.dxc5 [E81]

We have seen Black take a bit of a beating the last few years in the Samisch Gambit, 6...c5 7.dxc5 dxc5 8.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Bxc5, but it is still viable. Although in general Black is working for a draw theoretically, there are definite practical chances if White does not know it extremely well. After 9...Nc6 10.Nge2 Nd7 11.Ba3 is not so common these days:

In Hamdani - Ivanisevic Black plays 11...Nde5 12.Nf4 b6!? which looks like a decent novelty.

Sämisch System - Panno 8...Bd7 [E83]

In Sanikidze - Kempinski we see Smirin's line in the Panno where both sides are thrown on their own resources very quickly. After 6.Be3 Nc6 7.Nge2 a6 8.Qd2 Bd7!? 9.h4 h5:

Now 10.Bg5 is a new move but I do not like the tempo loss.

Classical - Petrosian Variation 7.d5 + h3 [E92]

The Makagonov/Petrosian remains topical. Black is fine in general, but white players can still happily play it if they just want an interesting strategic game.

6.h3 e5 7.d5 a5 8.Bg5 Na6 9.Be2 Qe8 10.Nd2 Nd7 11.a3 f6! 12.Bh4 Nb6! is a good system, see Ostenstad - Nakamura.

7...Na6 8.Be3, 10.c5 [E94]

We have not looked at the line 6.Be2 e5 7.Be3 Na6 8.0-0 Ng4 9.Bg5 Qe8 10.c5 in a long time:

After 10...exd4 11.Nd5 Be6 has been Black's most popular move, but with correct play White can get a tiny edge in an ending as we see in Postny - Saric. Black is "supposed to" be able to hold it, but here he does not manage to do so.

9.b4 Bayonet Attack/9.Nd2 [E97]

Berkes - Nyzhnyk examines a very unusual line in Nakamura's old favourite system against 9.b4/9.Nd2, 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.b4 Ne8 10.c5 f5 11.a4 Nf6 12.Nd2 f4 13.Nc4 g5 14.Nb5!?:

White abandons the e4-pawn. This is a very rare idea in the Mar del Plata, but it is clearly dangerous and it looks like Black has yet another problem in this line.

9.Ne1 Mainline [E99]

Finally, WGM Mihaela Sandu writes: "In the first round of the European Individual Women's Championship 2013 held in Belgrade, I got to play a very strong player, Nana Dzagnidze, the top woman in Georgia according to rating (number 6 in the world), and also one of the few female players owning the GM title for men." See Dzagnidze - Sandu for the thematic crush.

Until next month, David

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