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This month there are some interesting games, as usual. There is also a trend to play tricky move orders - several of the games started with a Karpov System or Averbakh move order, 5 Be2, and transposed to strange classical lines once White played Nf3. White has tested several different lines but there is nothing for hardcore KID fans to worry about.

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Karpov Variation 6.Be3 Nc6 7.d5 Ne5 8.h3 e6 9.f4 [E73]

In the first game, Das, A - Sethuraman, SP we have the Lesser Averbakh System with 6....Nc6:

Here Black invites pressure against his knight but he is usually fine. White went for a very aggressive line where he pushed all the pawns on the kingside. The game was very sharp but Black found the very nice idea 20...g5 after which he gained the e5 outpost. Black was much better but then he lost his advantage. In the end, however, White made a blunder and lost anyway.

Karpov Variation 6.Be3 Nc6 7.d5 Ne5 8.f4 [E73]

Tomczak, J - Brodowski, P was in the same line as the previous game, but here White went for the direct 8.f4:

Black tried the slightly doubtful 9...e5 which loses a pawn although he does have some compensation. Then the game was close to equal until Black went 21....Qxb2, White took over the initiative and after that Black blundered a piece and lost.

Look at the notes for my suggestion to revive this line, involving a queen sacrifice.

Classical, Gligoric Variation 6.Be3 e5 7.d5 Na6 8.Nf3 Ng4 9.Bg5 f6 10.Bh4 h5 [E92]

Xiong, J - Nakamura, H featured the Gligoric Variation, by transposition from a Karpov System. Black went for the line with 10...h5 and then decided to close the centre with 14....c5:

There was a standard closed position but then Black used his chance to recapture with 19....dxc5, to get the d6-square for his knight, and then took the initiative. Later he had a winning attack but went for material instead and lost his edge. Still, later White made a blunder and lost.

Classical Variation 5.Be2 0-0 6.Bg5 Nbd7 7.Nf3 h6 8.Be3 e5 9.0-0 [E94]

Sandipan, C - Akopian, V was in a rare line in the Classical, by transposition from an Averbakh, where White first went 6.Bg5, and then 8.Be3:

Black preferred to play solidly with the rare move 9...Qe7 and got a normal position. Later he pushed 16...f5 and White complicated the game with 18 g4. After that Black took hold of the initiative but later White managed to get an equal opposite-coloured bishop endgame. However, Black then blundered and allowed White to create a mating attack.

Classical Variation 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Bg5 [E97]

Quintilano Pinto, R - Di Berardino, D was in a rare line of the Classical system with 9.Bg5:

However, Black was not troubled, he quickly went for ...f5 and got a fine game. Then there was not much action until Black gave a pawn to get good compensation, White could not find how to improve and the game was drawn.

Classical, Bayonet Attack 9...c6 10.a4 a5 11.bxa5 Qxa5 [E97]

Cheparinov, I - Aghamaliyev, C featured one of the main lines in the Bayonet Attack where Black opted for the line with 9....c6 and then the game followed the main ideas there.

Later Black should have gone for ...f5 but he was quite determined to just sit and wait. That allowed White to slowly prepare 23.f4 and open the game when he had a big advantage. However, there were some further twists and in the end the game was drawn.

Classical, Bayonet Attack 9...c6 10.a4 a5 11.bxa5 c5 [E97]

Vidit, S - Shyam, S was in the same line as the previous game. White introduced a very rare plan with 13.Kh1 and 15.Rg1 which looked strange:

However, on the very next move, when Black played 15...f5, it played into White's hands and he immediately came under big pressure. White took control of the initiative and won easily.

Classical, Bayonet Attack 9...a5 10.bxa5 Rxa5 11.a4 Ne8 [E97]

Vidit, S - Karthikeyan, M. was also in the Bayonet attack but this time Black went for 9...a5. In reply White went for the very rare idea of 12.Be3 and 13.c5, sacrificing a pawn:

Black played passively and White got great compensation. After that Black mistakenly played 17....Nd6? and soon he was under even bigger pressure. He gave material to complicate but there was no real compensation and White won. An easy point for the Indian player due to his great preparation.

Till next month, Marian

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